Korat price, breed, description, personality, diseases, and care.

4 minute read

history/prfile of Korat  There are breeds that occupy a special place in the cat world, due to their centuries-old pedigree and legends associated with them. Such, of course, can be attributed to the breed of Korat. These cats hail from Thailand, known to people from ancient times, as many centuries ago and now, are considered cats of happiness and good luck. Moreover, in Thailand, there is a long-held belief that cats cannot be sold or bought, but can only be given as a gift.  However, this does not prevent modern Thais to sell pets to tourists without a twinge of conscience. But they present it as the same gift, and you seem to just give in return any unfixed amount of money. Of his own accord. Although the minimum amount is immediately specified. On the contrary, This gives these cats a sign of attention to each other. So, if you are thinking of coming to Thailand and by the way free to get a gift kitten, which in Europe costs on average 400-500 euros and above, forget.  These cats are repeatedly mentioned in the ancient Cat's Book of Poems, the first texts date back to the 14th century. In the cat's native language, these cats are called si-savant, or "happiness of blue color." Their smooth, graceful outlines, amazing color, and brooding, mystical look, really push at the thought of something otherworldly and high.  For the first time in the Western world, the cat Korat was introduced in 1959, thanks to breeder Gina Johnson, or rather - her wife, who brought several kittens from Thailand. In Europe, the breed appeared in 1972. Today, cat coral is officially recognized by all world associations of cat lovers.   Characteristics of the Korat cat breed  Adaptability                                       10/10  Attachment to the family             10/10  Gaming activity                                06/10  intelligence                                        10/10  General health                                 09/10  Wool fallout                                      01/10  Friendliness to children                 08/10  Friendly to dogs                               10/10  Love for meows                                05/10           Korat cat Breed information The Origin  Thailand  lifetime  10-15 years old  size  Average  weight  Cats: 5 kg, Cats: 3.5 kg  The type of wool  shorthaired  Color  blue with silver typing  lifestyle  Outdoors / indoors  Korat cat price  500 - 700 $  description of Korat cat  Large, hypnotizing green eyes, slightly elongated ears, graceful, properly complex, muscular body, and an amazing shade of wool - this breed of cats, indeed, instantly attracts attention. In addition to the fact that the coral is just a very beautiful cat, with a rich history, they have a very expressive muzzle.  That is, with the help of their soft voice and "facial expressions", they are able to really communicate with their master. Life expectancy can range from 10 to 15 years, it all depends on care and nutrition.  The personality of Korat cat  These cats may not realize how ancient their history is, but they certainly have an inner dignity. This is evident in every movement,  behavior, and attitude towards other pets. They try to be on top, and even at the home of the Ukrainian family, to occupy the same privileged position as in Thai society 500 years ago. On the other hand, it is done without unnecessary whims, unobtrusively, and very noble.  In the circle of his family cat Korat - very affectionate and kind, which will meet you from work, and with pleasure to spend time with you, both in games and on his knees, lulling his purring. These cats are very smart, show attention and demand it, but without excessive painful obsession. Do not be surprised if with the arrival of guests your pet will climb on the closet and will watch - sometimes he needs time to assess the situation, draw conclusions, and only then get acquainted.  They get along well with other pets and cats but prefer to occupy the first place in the home hierarchy. These cats are good climbers and hunters and love to hunt down prey. Despite the nobility and soft character, the cat's Korat clearly makes it clear what they want, using the various intonations of the voice. By the way, it is the softness of character and kindness that allows them to normally perceive children's attention.  common diseases in Korat cat  Since the breed of cats, Korat was formed by natural selection, it developed excellent health. To date, experts have identified only one genetic failure - atelostagenes (dysplasia de la Chapelle). It causes the disturbing formation of the skeleton and is detected in kittens by DNA diagnosis, or by a complete ultrasound of the skeleton. The percentage of such deviations is extremely low and is less than 1%.  Also, cats of the breed of Korat can be sensitive to drafts and cold in principle, as they come from hot places and do not have an undercoat.  How to take care of Korat cat? In terms of caring for the cat, everything is simple, as she has little wool. As we said, there is no sash, which means that frequent combing is not necessary. It is enough a couple of times a month to remove dead lint with a brush.  Otherwise, it's like other breeds of cats - you need at least 2 times a month to trim the claws, periodically bathe, no more than once a month, remove pollution from the ears. Do not forget about quality nutrition.


history/prfile of Korat 

There are breeds that occupy a special place in the cat world, due to their centuries-old pedigree and legends associated with them. Such, of course, can be attributed to the breed of Korat. These cats hail from Thailand, known to people from ancient times, as many centuries ago and now, are considered cats of happiness and good luck. Moreover, in Thailand, there is a long-held belief that cats cannot be sold or bought, but can only be given as a gift.

However, this does not prevent modern Thais to sell pets to tourists without a twinge of conscience. But they present it as the same gift, and you seem to just give in return any unfixed amount of money. Of his own accord. Although the minimum amount is immediately specified. On the contrary, This gives these cats a sign of attention to each other. So, if you are thinking of coming to Thailand and by the way free to get a gift kitten, which in Europe costs on average 400-500 euros and above, forget.

These cats are repeatedly mentioned in the ancient Cat's Book of Poems, the first texts date back to the 14th century. In the cat's native language, these cats are called si-savant, or "happiness of blue color." Their smooth, graceful outlines, amazing color, and brooding, mystical look, really push at the thought of something otherworldly and high.

For the first time in the Western world, the cat Korat was introduced in 1959, thanks to breeder Gina Johnson, or rather - her wife, who brought several kittens from Thailand. In Europe, the breed appeared in 1972. Today, cat coral is officially recognized by all world associations of cat lovers.

 Characteristics of the Korat cat breed

Adaptability                                       10/10

Attachment to the family             10/10

Gaming activity                                06/10

intelligence                                        10/10

General health                                 09/10

Wool fallout                                      01/10

Friendliness to children                 08/10

Friendly to dogs                               10/10

Love for meows                                05/10      


Korat cat Breed information

The Origin



10-15 years old




Cats: 5 kg, Cats: 3.5 kg

The type of wool



blue with silver typing


Outdoors / indoors

Korat cat price

500 - 700 $

description of Korat cat 

Large, hypnotizing green eyes, slightly elongated ears, graceful, properly complex, muscular body, and an amazing shade of wool - this breed of cats, indeed, instantly attracts attention. In addition to the fact that the coral is just a very beautiful cat, with a rich history, they have a very expressive muzzle.

That is, with the help of their soft voice and "facial expressions", they are able to really communicate with their master. Life expectancy can range from 10 to 15 years, it all depends on care and nutrition.

The personality of Korat cat 

These cats may not realize how ancient their history is, but they certainly have an inner dignity. This is evident in every movement,  behavior, and attitude towards other pets. They try to be on top, and even at the home of the Ukrainian family, to occupy the same privileged position as in Thai society 500 years ago. On the other hand, it is done without unnecessary whims, unobtrusively, and very noble.

In the circle of his family cat Korat - very affectionate and kind, which will meet you from work, and with pleasure to spend time with you, both in games and on his knees, lulling his purring. These cats are very smart, show attention and demand it, but without excessive painful obsession. Do not be surprised if with the arrival of guests your pet will climb on the closet and will watch - sometimes he needs time to assess the situation, draw conclusions, and only then get acquainted.

They get along well with other pets and cats but prefer to occupy the first place in the home hierarchy. These cats are good climbers and hunters and love to hunt down prey. Despite the nobility and soft character, the cat's Korat clearly makes it clear what they want, using the various intonations of the voice. By the way, it is the softness of character and kindness that allows them to normally perceive children's attention.

common diseases in Korat cat 

Since the breed of cats, Korat was formed by natural selection, it developed excellent health. To date, experts have identified only one genetic failure - atelostagenes (dysplasia de la Chapelle). It causes the disturbing formation of the skeleton and is detected in kittens by DNA diagnosis, or by a complete ultrasound of the skeleton. The percentage of such deviations is extremely low and is less than 1%.

Also, cats of the breed of Korat can be sensitive to drafts and cold in principle, as they come from hot places and do not have an undercoat.

How to take care of Korat cat?

In terms of caring for the cat, everything is simple, as she has little wool. As we said, there is no sash, which means that frequent combing is not necessary. It is enough a couple of times a month to remove dead lint with a brush.

Otherwise, it's like other breeds of cats - you need at least 2 times a month to trim the claws, periodically bathe, no more than once a month, remove pollution from the ears. Do not forget about quality nutrition.


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