Kanaani Cat, history, breed, price, description, personality, diseases and care.


 History/Prfile of Kanaani Cat The Canaani breed was developed in Jerusalem, and breeding was not carried out by a professional breeder, not a group of technologists, but a sculptor, artist Doris Pollatshek in the 90s of the last century. The Canaani breed (from consonance with Canaan) was registered by the World Cat Association only in 2000. Dorris interbred local native cats, namely - the wild African cats, from which all cats on the planet (according to the latest research), with the eastern shorthaired cat.  As a result, it was possible to preserve a lot of Aboriginal features of appearance and personality, while adding to the character of more social, positive features. From Israel, these cats were transported to Germany and America, where breeding programs were created. Today, the cat of the Kanaani breed is rare.  Characteristics of the Kanaani Cat breeds Adaptability                                       08/10   Attachment to the family             07/10  Gaming activity                                10/10  intelligence                                        10/10  General health                                 10/10  Wool fallout                                      04/10  Friendliness to children                 08/10  Friendly to dogs                               05/10  Love for meows                                06/10    Kanaan Cat Breeds information The Origin  Israel  lifetime  12-15 years old  size  medium-large  weight  Cats: 6-8 kg, Cats: 4-7 kg  The type of wool  shorthaired  Color  tabby marble, tabby spotted  lifestyle  Outdoors / indoors  Kanaan Cat price  700 - 1200 $    Description According to the latest research, the African wild cat is the most ancient, it was from it that all modern breeds of cats. Since keeping a wild pet at home, at least irresponsible and unreasonable, because it is not adapted for such an environment, you can choose the breed of Kanaan. If you like cats that meet "wild" standards as much as possible - externally, and partly internally, Kanaani is still the same wild African cat.  Canaani has a large size and a strong, muscular body with long paws. The muzzle is wedge-shaped, the ears are larger than the middle, the tail is long, the tabby dominates in the colors with some variations. These cats have very expressive eyes and facial expressions, so sometimes it is enough to look at them to understand their mood. Life expectancy - 15-17 years, some individuals live up to 20 years.  Personality The Canaani cat has a strong character and values its own independence, however, it does not prevent it from showing great warmth and friendliness towards members of her family. These cats have a huge supply of vital energy and need constant stimulation of their mental and physical strength. If you live in an apartment, and cannot provide your pet with the necessary level of activity, if you spend most of the day at work, it is better to choose another cat.  Cat breed Canaani requires, ideally, living in a private house, where there is a garden, trees, have the opportunity to train their mountaineering skills and satisfy the instincts of the hunter. After all, it is an aboriginal breed (although it crossed from the eastern shorthair, and, until 2010, with Bengal,), and for at least 10,000 years, the ancestors of these cats hunted on African lands. Accordingly, you can be sure that no mouse or rat will be able to break into your home. On the other hand, the cat has a real fearlessness in fights, and therefore, cats in the neighborhood and even stray dogs will also bypass your area side.  In relation to their master and family members, they show great love and kindness, are highly intelligent, and always understand what is required of them. Even if they try to show the opposite, or do not listen to the owner the first time. In fact, you should understand that these pets always know when they talk about them, feel your mood well, and you just need to find the right approach.  Canaani has a fairly straightforward character, and always makes it clear if he wants something. Children are treated well, especially if the child will play with them. Other pets may not get along - if it is a cat or a dog, there is always such a chance. About rodents or birds should not even talk, for the Kanaani it is primarily prey.  Common diseases The health of this breed is excellent, thanks to millennia of natural selection.  Care The Kanaani cat has a short coat that needs to be combed once a week. Also, once a week it is necessary to clean the ears of the pet, and once every 2 months to bathe. If the cat spends most of the time at home, the claws are trimmed every 10 days, the eyes are better cleaned daily or in need.

Kanaani Cat

History/Prfile of Kanaani Cat

The Canaani breed was developed in Jerusalem, and breeding was not carried out by a professional breeder, not a group of technologists, but a sculptor, artist Doris Pollatshek in the 90s of the last century. The Canaani breed (from consonance with Canaan) was registered by the World Cat Association only in 2000. Dorris interbred local native cats, namely - the wild African cats, from which all cats on the planet (according to the latest research), with the eastern shorthaired cat.

As a result, it was possible to preserve a lot of Aboriginal features of appearance and personality, while adding to the character of more social, positive features. From Israel, these cats were transported to Germany and America, where breeding programs were created. Today, the cat of the Kanaani breed is rare.

Characteristics of the Kanaani Cat breeds

Adaptability                                       08/10 

Attachment to the family             07/10

Gaming activity                                10/10

intelligence                                        10/10

General health                                 10/10

Wool fallout                                      04/10

Friendliness to children                 08/10

Friendly to dogs                               05/10

Love for meows                                06/10

Kanaan Cat Breeds information

The Origin



12-15 years old




Cats: 6-8 kg, Cats: 4-7 kg

The type of wool



tabby marble, tabby spotted


Outdoors / indoors

Kanaan Cat price

700 - 1200 $


According to the latest research, the African wild cat is the most ancient, it was from it that all modern breeds of cats. Since keeping a wild pet at home, at least irresponsible and unreasonable, because it is not adapted for such an environment, you can choose the breed of Kanaan. If you like cats that meet "wild" standards as much as possible - externally, and partly internally, Kanaani is still the same wild African cat.

Canaani has a large size and a strong, muscular body with long paws. The muzzle is wedge-shaped, the ears are larger than the middle, the tail is long, the tabby dominates in the colors with some variations. These cats have very expressive eyes and facial expressions, so sometimes it is enough to look at them to understand their mood. Life expectancy - 15-17 years, some individuals live up to 20 years.


The Canaani cat has a strong character and values its own independence, however, it does not prevent it from showing great warmth and friendliness towards members of her family. These cats have a huge supply of vital energy and need constant stimulation of their mental and physical strength. If you live in an apartment, and cannot provide your pet with the necessary level of activity, if you spend most of the day at work, it is better to choose another cat.

Cat breed Canaani requires, ideally, living in a private house, where there is a garden, trees, have the opportunity to train their mountaineering skills and satisfy the instincts of the hunter. After all, it is an aboriginal breed (although it crossed from the eastern shorthair, and, until 2010, with Bengal,), and for at least 10,000 years, the ancestors of these cats hunted on African lands. Accordingly, you can be sure that no mouse or rat will be able to break into your home. On the other hand, the cat has a real fearlessness in fights, and therefore, cats in the neighborhood and even stray dogs will also bypass your area side.

In relation to their master and family members, they show great love and kindness, are highly intelligent, and always understand what is required of them. Even if they try to show the opposite, or do not listen to the owner the first time. In fact, you should understand that these pets always know when they talk about them, feel your mood well, and you just need to find the right approach.

Canaani has a fairly straightforward character, and always makes it clear if he wants something. Children are treated well, especially if the child will play with them. Other pets may not get along - if it is a cat or a dog, there is always such a chance. About rodents or birds should not even talk, for the Kanaani it is primarily prey.

Common diseases

The health of this breed is excellent, thanks to millennia of natural selection.


The Kanaani cat has a short coat that needs to be combed once a week. Also, once a week it is necessary to clean the ears of the pet, and once every 2 months to bathe. If the cat spends most of the time at home, the claws are trimmed every 10 days, the eyes are better cleaned daily or in need.


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