Kuril Bobtail Cat
History/profile Kurilian Bobtail
Kuril bobtail - a rather rare breed of cats, which occurs
from the Kuril Islands, which is clear from the name. There is a long-standing
dispute over the breeds belonging to a particular nationality, as the Kurils
are disputed territory between Japan and Russia. However, by default, the
Kuril Bobtail is considered a Russian breed, and outside Japan, and Russia, is
not so common.
The breed is considered quite old and is divided into
short-haired and long-haired. The Kuril bobtail shorthair was first registered
200 years ago in the Kuril Islands and is considered the original breed, and
the long-haired appeared a little later, due to interbreeding.
These cats are found on the Russian Kamchatka Peninsula and
the Japanese island of Sakhalin. traditionally Japanese bobtail and
Kuril distinguish, despite the geographical proximity and similarity of the
rocks. It is believed that the Kurils are aboriginals who have lived in Russia
and the Kuril Islands for a long time.
Characteristics of the Kurilian Bobtail breeds
Adaptability 08/10
Attachment to the
family 07/10
activity 07/10
intelligence 09/10
health 10/10
fallout 05/10
Friendliness to
children 06/10
Friendly to
dogs 05/10
Love for meows 06/10
Kurilian Bobtail Breeds information
The Origin |
Russia |
lifetime |
12-17 years old |
size |
medium-large |
weight |
Cats: 5-7 kg, Cats: 4-5 kg |
The type of wool |
long-haired |
Color |
any colors and drawings of wool |
lifestyle |
Outdoors / indoors |
Kurilian Bobtail price |
800 - 1200 $ |
The main outer feature of this breed is a very short tail -
from 5 to 13 cm. The cat is quite large, has a strong torso with a tilt
forward, proportionately developed paws, a neck of medium length, and a
wedge-shaped head with large eyes and ears of medium size.
He's a loyal friend who will never be bored. If you live in
a private house and the cat recognizes in you the owner, after the hunt, he will
even share with you the prey. His playfulness, mind, and kind temper will appeal
to both adults and children. There are a lot of color options, from monochrome
to intricate, with a whimsical pattern.
In terms of personality and behavior, the breed of cats
Kuril's bobtail is really unique. Many qualities obviously occurred during the
natural selection process in ancient times, and have survived to this day
thanks to strong genes.
Judge for yourself - these cats are free to swim, fish,
including not inferior to them in size, and generally can enjoy and play with
water. Agree, in cats, this is quite rare. They like to hunt, spend time
outdoors in a natural environment, have an independent, free, and very
inquisitive character. At the same time, in the circle of the family, they are
kind, very nice, show great love and affection, are very attached to people.
Kuril bobtail rarely experiences boredom, is active, has a
playful temper and, although he appreciates his family members, may well find
himself practicing on their own. These cats are smart, they like to watch what
is happening around them, get along normally with other animals and well
perceive children. The ideal place to maintain them is a private house with a
small (or large) garden.
Please note that the above hunting skills can regress if the
cat lives in an apartment and has no contact with the natural environment. In
this case, if you take it with you to the forest, for example - for a picnic
with friends, do not expect that your pet will show a master class in fishing
and swimming, in surprise friends and yourself.
Common diseases
Kuril bobtail, perhaps due to the natural origin and
persistent genes responsible for health is endurance and almost does not get
sick. Unlike other cats with a non-standard body structure, the gene
responsible for the short tail does not bring any negative nuances, and is not
the cause of certain skeletal diseases.
These cats have strong immunity, and by buying such a pet you
are unlikely to often visit the veterinarian. The only thing that can be noted
is a great love for the enjoyment of food. Accordingly, the owner needs to
control the amount of food, so that the cat did not gain weight. As in this
case, it is already possible to cause diseases related to obesity.
Caring for the Kuril bobtail is quite easy, although, except
for long-haired individuals. On the other hand, even they only need more
frequent combing of wool, and only. Moreover, their coat itself is not inclined
to form lumps and get too confused, so that even long-haired individuals will
not become an eternal headache for you.
Shorthair can be combed once a week or less often,
long-haired - twice a week, or as needed. Teeth are best cleaned every day,
especially if you live in a private house and your pet has a penchant for
hunting rodents and birds, which we remember this breed loves very much. If you
can't take care of your mouth every day, do so at least three times a week.
Ears and eyes are cleaned as needed, but at least several
times a week, the claws should be trimmed once a week. Kuril's bobtail loves
water, so bathing will not be a problem.