British longhair, price, breeders, kittens ,personality, diseases and care.

History/ Profile of British longhair cat  The British long-haired cat appeared quite a by accident. However, among the stories of the emergence of different breeds of dogs and cats, similar accidents - are not so uncommon. British shorthair she has known both at home and abroad for quite some time and has been used periodically in various breeding programs.  So it happened this time - breeders wanted to get new cats, having larger and rounded outlines, however, at the same time, to keep the short wool. To that end, British shorthaired crossed with angora and classic Persian cats. In the process, there were kittens with half-long hair, which at first was considered a by-product.  However, over time, some breeders realized the value of these cats, because, in fact, they were a new breed. As a result, they were specially bred not only in the UK but also abroad. To date, there is a certain confusion with the name of these cats in different countries, as the breed has no official recognition in significant international and British registry, and is only at the registration stage.  Characteristics of the British Longhair Breed  Adaptability                                        09/10           Attachment to the family             09/10  Gaming activity                                08/10  intelligence                                        10/10  General health                                  08/10  Wool fallout                                      06/10  Friendliness to children                 08/10  Friendly to dogs                               07/10  Love for meows                                07/10             British longhair Breed Information  The Origin  United Kingdom  lifetime  14-20 years old  size  medium-large  weight  Cats: 6-6.5 kg, Cats: 4-4.5 kg  The type of wool  long-haired  Color  any colors and drawings of wool  lifestyle  Outdoors / indoors   British longhair, price, breeders, kittens ,personality, diseases and care.  Description of British longhair Breed of cats British long-haired makes a lasting impression - it's a large, very intelligent, and intelligent cat. They form strong bonds with their family, and although they can find something to do on their own, they still prefer the society of their loved ones.  These pets have a large and muscular physique, have a wide chest, and with constant physical activity retain muscle strength and good reaction. The muzzle is round, wedge-shaped, slightly flat in the front, medium-sized ears, muscular paws, strong, medium length, tail fluffy, slightly larger than average. Life expectancy is about 15 years.  British longhair Cat Personality The breed of cat British long-haired has a stable psyche and balanced character, however, this does not mean that the cat has an innate softness. On the contrary, the character of the British long-haired strong, they for the most part always know what they want at a particular moment, and therefore a little wayward. At the same time, they are not capricious or aggressive, not vindictive and not vindictive, appreciate the peaceful environment and peace in the house.  These pets love attention, love when they are stroked and held in their arms, and generally like to relax and lie on the couch. On the other hand, they also need activity and stimulation, not only physical but also mental. In this capacity, you can use a variety of interactive games, buy your pet toys, and not all at once, and please him with new purchases little by little.  They have quite developed intelligence, they understand the hosts well and for the most part obedient, so to speak, do not create unnecessary problems. This does not contradict the assertion that the British long-haired wayward.  They know and understand the rules that they are instilled in, understand when they have made a mistake, and at the same time sometimes they can follow their desires rather than the desires of the master. A British long-haired cat can even learn simple commands.  They like to connect with loved ones, including through voice. Children are treated normally, happy to play with them. Also normally treat other pets, strangers are perceived with easy caution, but without negativity.  Common Diseases  For the most part, these are healthy cats, but some problems still exist:  they are prone to obesity, especially if they have been neutered. Here the panacea can be regular exercise, that is, games, as well as control of the diet by the hosts; suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Heart ultrasound, performed from time to time - a perfect means to recognize the disease at an early stage; polycystic kidney disease.   How to take care of British longhair cats? A British long-haired cat needs regular combing of wool twice a week. Note that with the advent of winter wool becomes thicker and more confused, and therefore you have to pay more attention. Teeth should be cleaned at least three times a week, claws cut every 10 days, monitor the cleanliness of the ears and eyes. These cats are rarely bought, about once every 4 months or less often.
British longhair kittens


British Longhair 

History/ Profile of British longhair cat

The British long-haired cat appeared quite a by accident. However, among the stories of the emergence of different breeds of dogs and cats, similar accidents - are not so uncommon. British shorthair she has known both at home and abroad for quite some time and has been used periodically in various breeding programs.

So it happened this time - breeders wanted to get new cats, having larger and rounded outlines, however, at the same time, to keep the short wool. To that end, British shorthaired crossed with angora and classic Persian cats. In the process, there were kittens with half-long hair, which at first was considered a by-product.

However, over time, some breeders realized the value of these cats, because, in fact, they were a new breed. As a result, they were specially bred not only in the UK but also abroad. To date, there is a certain confusion with the name of these cats in different countries, as the breed has no official recognition in significant international and British registry, and is only at the registration stage.

Characteristics of the British Longhair Breed

Adaptability                                        09/10         

Attachment to the family             09/10

Gaming activity                                08/10

intelligence                                        10/10

General health                                  08/10

Wool fallout                                      06/10

Friendliness to children                 08/10

Friendly to dogs                               07/10

Love for meows                                07/10


British longhair Breed Information

The Origin

United Kingdom


14-20 years old




Cats: 6-6.5 kg, Cats: 4-4.5 kg

The type of wool



any colors and drawings of wool


Outdoors / indoors

History/ Profile of British longhair cat  The British long-haired cat appeared quite a by accident. However, among the stories of the emergence of different breeds of dogs and cats, similar accidents - are not so uncommon. British shorthair she has known both at home and abroad for quite some time and has been used periodically in various breeding programs.  So it happened this time - breeders wanted to get new cats, having larger and rounded outlines, however, at the same time, to keep the short wool. To that end, British shorthaired crossed with angora and classic Persian cats. In the process, there were kittens with half-long hair, which at first was considered a by-product.  However, over time, some breeders realized the value of these cats, because, in fact, they were a new breed. As a result, they were specially bred not only in the UK but also abroad. To date, there is a certain confusion with the name of these cats in different countries, as the breed has no official recognition in significant international and British registry, and is only at the registration stage.  Characteristics of the British Longhair Breed  Adaptability                                        09/10           Attachment to the family             09/10  Gaming activity                                08/10  intelligence                                        10/10  General health                                  08/10  Wool fallout                                      06/10  Friendliness to children                 08/10  Friendly to dogs                               07/10  Love for meows                                07/10             British longhair Breed Information  The Origin  United Kingdom  lifetime  14-20 years old  size  medium-large  weight  Cats: 6-6.5 kg, Cats: 4-4.5 kg  The type of wool  long-haired  Color  any colors and drawings of wool  lifestyle  Outdoors / indoors   British longhair, price, breeders, kittens ,personality, diseases and care.  Description of British longhair Breed of cats British long-haired makes a lasting impression - it's a large, very intelligent, and intelligent cat. They form strong bonds with their family, and although they can find something to do on their own, they still prefer the society of their loved ones.  These pets have a large and muscular physique, have a wide chest, and with constant physical activity retain muscle strength and good reaction. The muzzle is round, wedge-shaped, slightly flat in the front, medium-sized ears, muscular paws, strong, medium length, tail fluffy, slightly larger than average. Life expectancy is about 15 years.  British longhair Cat Personality The breed of cat British long-haired has a stable psyche and balanced character, however, this does not mean that the cat has an innate softness. On the contrary, the character of the British long-haired strong, they for the most part always know what they want at a particular moment, and therefore a little wayward. At the same time, they are not capricious or aggressive, not vindictive and not vindictive, appreciate the peaceful environment and peace in the house.  These pets love attention, love when they are stroked and held in their arms, and generally like to relax and lie on the couch. On the other hand, they also need activity and stimulation, not only physical but also mental. In this capacity, you can use a variety of interactive games, buy your pet toys, and not all at once, and please him with new purchases little by little.  They have quite developed intelligence, they understand the hosts well and for the most part obedient, so to speak, do not create unnecessary problems. This does not contradict the assertion that the British long-haired wayward.  They know and understand the rules that they are instilled in, understand when they have made a mistake, and at the same time sometimes they can follow their desires rather than the desires of the master. A British long-haired cat can even learn simple commands.  They like to connect with loved ones, including through voice. Children are treated normally, happy to play with them. Also normally treat other pets, strangers are perceived with easy caution, but without negativity.  Common Diseases  For the most part, these are healthy cats, but some problems still exist:  they are prone to obesity, especially if they have been neutered. Here the panacea can be regular exercise, that is, games, as well as control of the diet by the hosts; suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Heart ultrasound, performed from time to time - a perfect means to recognize the disease at an early stage; polycystic kidney disease.   How to take care of British longhair cats? A British long-haired cat needs regular combing of wool twice a week. Note that with the advent of winter wool becomes thicker and more confused, and therefore you have to pay more attention. Teeth should be cleaned at least three times a week, claws cut every 10 days, monitor the cleanliness of the ears and eyes. These cats are rarely bought, about once every 4 months or less often.

Description of British longhair

Breed of cats British long-haired makes a lasting impression - it's a large, very intelligent, and intelligent cat. They form strong bonds with their family, and although they can find something to do on their own, they still prefer the society of their loved ones.

These pets have a large and muscular physique, have a wide chest, and with constant physical activity retain muscle strength and good reaction. The muzzle is round, wedge-shaped, slightly flat in the front, medium-sized ears, muscular paws, strong, medium length, tail fluffy, slightly larger than average. Life expectancy is about 15 years.

British longhair Cat Personality

The breed of cat British long-haired has a stable psyche and balanced character, however, this does not mean that the cat has an innate softness. On the contrary, the character of the British long-haired strong, they for the most part always know what they want at a particular moment, and therefore a little wayward. At the same time, they are not capricious or aggressive, not vindictive and not vindictive, appreciate the peaceful environment and peace in the house.

These pets love attention, love when they are stroked and held in their arms, and generally like to relax and lie on the couch. On the other hand, they also need activity and stimulation, not only physical but also mental. In this capacity, you can use a variety of interactive games, buy your pet toys, and not all at once, and please him with new purchases little by little.

They have quite developed intelligence, they understand the hosts well and for the most part obedient, so to speak, do not create unnecessary problems. This does not contradict the assertion that the British long-haired wayward.

They know and understand the rules that they are instilled in, understand when they have made a mistake, and at the same time sometimes they can follow their desires rather than the desires of the master. A British long-haired cat can even learn simple commands.

They like to connect with loved ones, including through voice. Children are treated normally, happy to play with them. Also normally treat other pets, strangers are perceived with easy caution, but without negativity.

Common Diseases

For the most part, these are healthy cats, but some problems still exist:

  • they are prone to obesity, especially if they have been neutered. Here the panacea can be regular exercise, that is, games, as well as control of the diet by the hosts;
  • suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Heart ultrasound, performed from time to time - a perfect means to recognize the disease at an early stage;
  • polycystic kidney disease.

How to take care of British longhair cats?

A British long-haired cat needs regular combing of wool twice a week. Note that with the advent of winter wool becomes thicker and more confused, and therefore you have to pay more attention. Teeth should be cleaned at least three times a week, claws cut every 10 days, monitor the cleanliness of the ears and eyes. These cats are rarely bought, about once every 4 months or less often.

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