Scottish Straight Cat

4 minute read


Scottish Straight Cat (Scottish Straight)    Scottish Straight Cat Scottish straight cat, in fact, is a kind of Scottish fold, having all the character traits and external features. The only difference is the lack of folded ears.  Accordingly, speaking about the origin of the Scottish Straight, we can say that their pedigree comes from a white cat with floppy ears named Susie, who was born in Scotland, in 1961, near the town of Copra Angus. The farmer, who had such offspring on the farm, was extremely interested in folded ears.  Now everyone knows that such a structure of the ears comes from a genetic mutation, moreover, this mutation affects not only the ears, but can also affect other body systems. But in those distant years, research has not yet been carried out, and the cat very quickly gained popularity due to its extraordinary appearance.  However, even now, despite possible health complications, both the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight, which some Federations classify as one breed, are a huge success all over the world.  There is one feature - when crossing two lop-eared individuals, the probability of getting a cat with straight ears is extremely low, but the probability of mutations is higher. Conversely, if one of the parents has straight ears, the likelihood of mutations is almost eliminated, and the offspring will almost certainly also have straight ears.   Characteristics of the breed Adaptability                           10/10          Attachment to family            10/10  Game activity                         06/10  Intelligence                            07/10  General Health                       09/10  Hair loss                                  04/10  Child-friendly                         08/10  Dog friendly                           10/10  Love of meows                       02/10     Information about the breed Country of origin  Scotland  Lifespan  12-15 years old  Size  medium  Weight  Cats: 5-6 kg, Cats: 3-5 kg  wool type  shorthair  Color  any colors and coat patterns  Lifestyle  outdoor / indoor  Price  1000 - 1500 $     Description Scottish Straight - kind and loving cats, incredibly sweet and affectionate, have great charm and captivate literally everyone. Life expectancy is on average about 15 years.  The body and paws are short and strong, the head is shortened, and round and the neck is also short, as are the ears. On the muzzle, as if you can always see a smile. There are many possible colors, each with its own aesthetic. There are individuals with multi-colored eyes (orange and blue), although, traditionally, this breed has orange eyes.  By the way, Scottish Straight at a young age lends itself well to training (given that it is extremely difficult to train cats in general), and they are often trained to perform at exhibitions.  Personality The Scottish Straight cat has an incredible charm, and is able to conquer even those who, as usual, are rather indifferent to cats. These are very affectionate and kind animals that get along well in the family, and are able to bestow their love on each of its members. Scottish Straight have a pronounced intellect, are able to draw conclusions, observe what is happening around, sometimes from a secluded place. This is what happens when you have guests. However, in its circle, the cat more often chooses the knees of a loved one.  The Scottish Straight can be a great friend to children, although, like most cats, these pets do not like to be squeezed too much. Cats of this breed retain playfulness even in adulthood, and in general, mature for quite a long time. If you have other pets at home - it does not matter, the Scottish Straight gets along well with everyone. An exception can only be dogs that show aggression.  These cats are neat, do not spoil upholstered furniture and learn quickly. At the same time, they are quite active and inquisitive, they are interested in what is happening around them. They feel great in solitude, but they will not feel discomfort in the company. This applies to both kittens and adults.  Common diseases Cats in general do not tend to get sick, have good health, but are prone to “pedigreed” diseases.  The gene responsible for unusual ears also affects other parts of the skeleton. There is also a particular propensity for joint problems:  osteochondrodysplasia; chondrodystrophy; arthritis; arthrosis. Even though it is traditionally believed that crossing a Fold with a Straight can protect a pet from such problems, this is not the case.  Due to the shortened shape of the head, it can lead to brachycephalic syndrome - respiratory failure.  Also, there is a tendency to suppuration and inflammation in the eyes, due to their special shape.  Care One of the easiest breeds to keep is the Scottish Straight. Caring for them does not take much time, but, at times, requires vigilance due to possible problems with the eyes and breathing. If you experience difficulty in breathing or inflammation in the corners of the eyes, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.  Otherwise, the cat is unpretentious - once a week you need to trim the claws, clean the ears several times a week, teeth - better every day, like the eyes. Be sure to make sure that your pet has favorite toys so that he maintains a normal level of activity, does not pass on and eats quality food. Bathing - at least once a month.

Scottish Straight Cat (Scottish Straight)


Scottish Straight Cat

Scottish straight cat, in fact, is a kind of Scottish fold, having all the character traits and external features. The only difference is the lack of folded ears.

Accordingly, speaking about the origin of the Scottish Straight, we can say that their pedigree comes from a white cat with floppy ears named Susie, who was born in Scotland, in 1961, near the town of Copra Angus. The farmer, who had such offspring on the farm, was extremely interested in folded ears.

Now everyone knows that such a structure of the ears comes from a genetic mutation, moreover, this mutation affects not only the ears, but can also affect other body systems. But in those distant years, research has not yet been carried out, and the cat very quickly gained popularity due to its extraordinary appearance.

However, even now, despite possible health complications, both the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight, which some Federations classify as one breed, are a huge success all over the world.

There is one feature - when crossing two lop-eared individuals, the probability of getting a cat with straight ears is extremely low, but the probability of mutations is higher. Conversely, if one of the parents has straight ears, the likelihood of mutations is almost eliminated, and the offspring will almost certainly also have straight ears.

Characteristics of the breed

Adaptability                           10/10        

Attachment to family            10/10

Game activity                         06/10

Intelligence                            07/10

General Health                       09/10

Hair loss                                  04/10

Child-friendly                         08/10

Dog friendly                           10/10

Love of Meows 02/10


Information about the breed

Country of origin



12-15 years old




Cats: 5-6 kg, Cats: 3-5 kg

wool type



any colors and coat patterns




1000 - 1500 $



Scottish Straight - kind and loving cats, incredibly sweet and affectionate, have great charm, and captivate literally everyone. Life expectancy is on average about 15 years.

The body and paws are short and strong, the head is shortened, and round, and the neck is also short, as are the ears. On the muzzle, as if you can always see a smile. There are many possible colors, each with its own aesthetic. There are individuals with multi-colored eyes (orange and blue), although, traditionally, this breed has orange eyes.

By the way, Scottish Straight at a young age lends itself well to training (given that it is extremely difficult to train cats in general), and they are often trained to perform at exhibitions.


The Scottish Straight cat has an incredible charm and is able to conquer even those who, as usual, are rather indifferent to cats. These are very affectionate and kind animals that get along well in the family and are able to bestow their love on each of its members. Scottish Straight has a pronounced intellect, are able to draw conclusions, and observe what is happening around them, sometimes from a secluded place. This is what happens when you have guests. However, in its circle, the cat more often chooses the knees of a loved one.

The Scottish Straight can be a great friend to children, although, like most cats, these pets do not like to be squeezed too much. Cats of this breed retain playfulness even in adulthood, and in general, mature for quite a long time. If you have other pets at home - it does not matter, the Scottish Straight gets along well with everyone. An exception can only be dogs that show aggression.

These cats are neat, do not spoil upholstered furniture, and learn quickly. At the same time, they are quite active and inquisitive, they are interested in what is happening around them. They feel great in solitude, but they will not feel discomfort in the company. This applies to both kittens and adults.

Common diseases

Cats, in general, do not tend to get sick, and have good health, but are prone to “pedigreed” diseases.

The gene responsible for unusual ears also affects other parts of the skeleton. There is also a particular propensity for joint problems:

  • osteochondrodysplasia;
  • chondrodystrophy;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis.

Even though it is traditionally believed that crossing a Fold with a Straight can protect a pet from such problems, this is not the case.

Due to the shortened shape of the head, it can lead to brachycephalic syndrome - respiratory failure.

Also, there is a tendency to suppuration and inflammation in the eyes, due to their special shape.


One of the easiest breeds to keep is the Scottish Straight. Caring for them does not take much time, but, at times, requires vigilance due to possible problems with the eyes and breathing. If you experience difficulty in breathing or inflammation in the corners of the eyes, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.

Otherwise, the cat is unpretentious - once a week you need to trim the claws, clean the ears several times a week, teeth - better every day, like the eyes. Be sure to make sure that your pet has favorite toys so that he maintains a normal level of activity, does not pass on, and eats quality food. Bathing - at least once a month.

Scottish Straight Cat (Scottish Straight)    Scottish Straight Cat Scottish straight cat, in fact, is a kind of Scottish fold, having all the character traits and external features. The only difference is the lack of folded ears.  Accordingly, speaking about the origin of the Scottish Straight, we can say that their pedigree comes from a white cat with floppy ears named Susie, who was born in Scotland, in 1961, near the town of Copra Angus. The farmer, who had such offspring on the farm, was extremely interested in folded ears.  Now everyone knows that such a structure of the ears comes from a genetic mutation, moreover, this mutation affects not only the ears, but can also affect other body systems. But in those distant years, research has not yet been carried out, and the cat very quickly gained popularity due to its extraordinary appearance.  However, even now, despite possible health complications, both the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight, which some Federations classify as one breed, are a huge success all over the world.  There is one feature - when crossing two lop-eared individuals, the probability of getting a cat with straight ears is extremely low, but the probability of mutations is higher. Conversely, if one of the parents has straight ears, the likelihood of mutations is almost eliminated, and the offspring will almost certainly also have straight ears.   Characteristics of the breed Adaptability                           10/10          Attachment to family            10/10  Game activity                         06/10  Intelligence                            07/10  General Health                       09/10  Hair loss                                  04/10  Child-friendly                         08/10  Dog friendly                           10/10  Love of meows                       02/10     Information about the breed Country of origin  Scotland  Lifespan  12-15 years old  Size  medium  Weight  Cats: 5-6 kg, Cats: 3-5 kg  wool type  shorthair  Color  any colors and coat patterns  Lifestyle  outdoor / indoor  Price  1000 - 1500 $     Description Scottish Straight - kind and loving cats, incredibly sweet and affectionate, have great charm and captivate literally everyone. Life expectancy is on average about 15 years.  The body and paws are short and strong, the head is shortened, and round and the neck is also short, as are the ears. On the muzzle, as if you can always see a smile. There are many possible colors, each with its own aesthetic. There are individuals with multi-colored eyes (orange and blue), although, traditionally, this breed has orange eyes.  By the way, Scottish Straight at a young age lends itself well to training (given that it is extremely difficult to train cats in general), and they are often trained to perform at exhibitions.  Personality The Scottish Straight cat has an incredible charm, and is able to conquer even those who, as usual, are rather indifferent to cats. These are very affectionate and kind animals that get along well in the family, and are able to bestow their love on each of its members. Scottish Straight have a pronounced intellect, are able to draw conclusions, observe what is happening around, sometimes from a secluded place. This is what happens when you have guests. However, in its circle, the cat more often chooses the knees of a loved one.  The Scottish Straight can be a great friend to children, although, like most cats, these pets do not like to be squeezed too much. Cats of this breed retain playfulness even in adulthood, and in general, mature for quite a long time. If you have other pets at home - it does not matter, the Scottish Straight gets along well with everyone. An exception can only be dogs that show aggression.  These cats are neat, do not spoil upholstered furniture and learn quickly. At the same time, they are quite active and inquisitive, they are interested in what is happening around them. They feel great in solitude, but they will not feel discomfort in the company. This applies to both kittens and adults.  Common diseases Cats in general do not tend to get sick, have good health, but are prone to “pedigreed” diseases.  The gene responsible for unusual ears also affects other parts of the skeleton. There is also a particular propensity for joint problems:  osteochondrodysplasia; chondrodystrophy; arthritis; arthrosis. Even though it is traditionally believed that crossing a Fold with a Straight can protect a pet from such problems, this is not the case.  Due to the shortened shape of the head, it can lead to brachycephalic syndrome - respiratory failure.  Also, there is a tendency to suppuration and inflammation in the eyes, due to their special shape.  Care One of the easiest breeds to keep is the Scottish Straight. Caring for them does not take much time, but, at times, requires vigilance due to possible problems with the eyes and breathing. If you experience difficulty in breathing or inflammation in the corners of the eyes, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.  Otherwise, the cat is unpretentious - once a week you need to trim the claws, clean the ears several times a week, teeth - better every day, like the eyes. Be sure to make sure that your pet has favorite toys so that he maintains a normal level of activity, does not pass on and eats quality food. Bathing - at least once a month.

Scottish Straight Cat (Scottish Straight)    Scottish Straight Cat Scottish straight cat, in fact, is a kind of Scottish fold, having all the character traits and external features. The only difference is the lack of folded ears.  Accordingly, speaking about the origin of the Scottish Straight, we can say that their pedigree comes from a white cat with floppy ears named Susie, who was born in Scotland, in 1961, near the town of Copra Angus. The farmer, who had such offspring on the farm, was extremely interested in folded ears.  Now everyone knows that such a structure of the ears comes from a genetic mutation, moreover, this mutation affects not only the ears, but can also affect other body systems. But in those distant years, research has not yet been carried out, and the cat very quickly gained popularity due to its extraordinary appearance.  However, even now, despite possible health complications, both the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight, which some Federations classify as one breed, are a huge success all over the world.  There is one feature - when crossing two lop-eared individuals, the probability of getting a cat with straight ears is extremely low, but the probability of mutations is higher. Conversely, if one of the parents has straight ears, the likelihood of mutations is almost eliminated, and the offspring will almost certainly also have straight ears.   Characteristics of the breed Adaptability                           10/10          Attachment to family            10/10  Game activity                         06/10  Intelligence                            07/10  General Health                       09/10  Hair loss                                  04/10  Child-friendly                         08/10  Dog friendly                           10/10  Love of meows                       02/10     Information about the breed Country of origin  Scotland  Lifespan  12-15 years old  Size  medium  Weight  Cats: 5-6 kg, Cats: 3-5 kg  wool type  shorthair  Color  any colors and coat patterns  Lifestyle  outdoor / indoor  Price  1000 - 1500 $     Description Scottish Straight - kind and loving cats, incredibly sweet and affectionate, have great charm and captivate literally everyone. Life expectancy is on average about 15 years.  The body and paws are short and strong, the head is shortened, and round and the neck is also short, as are the ears. On the muzzle, as if you can always see a smile. There are many possible colors, each with its own aesthetic. There are individuals with multi-colored eyes (orange and blue), although, traditionally, this breed has orange eyes.  By the way, Scottish Straight at a young age lends itself well to training (given that it is extremely difficult to train cats in general), and they are often trained to perform at exhibitions.  Personality The Scottish Straight cat has an incredible charm, and is able to conquer even those who, as usual, are rather indifferent to cats. These are very affectionate and kind animals that get along well in the family, and are able to bestow their love on each of its members. Scottish Straight have a pronounced intellect, are able to draw conclusions, observe what is happening around, sometimes from a secluded place. This is what happens when you have guests. However, in its circle, the cat more often chooses the knees of a loved one.  The Scottish Straight can be a great friend to children, although, like most cats, these pets do not like to be squeezed too much. Cats of this breed retain playfulness even in adulthood, and in general, mature for quite a long time. If you have other pets at home - it does not matter, the Scottish Straight gets along well with everyone. An exception can only be dogs that show aggression.  These cats are neat, do not spoil upholstered furniture and learn quickly. At the same time, they are quite active and inquisitive, they are interested in what is happening around them. They feel great in solitude, but they will not feel discomfort in the company. This applies to both kittens and adults.  Common diseases Cats in general do not tend to get sick, have good health, but are prone to “pedigreed” diseases.  The gene responsible for unusual ears also affects other parts of the skeleton. There is also a particular propensity for joint problems:  osteochondrodysplasia; chondrodystrophy; arthritis; arthrosis. Even though it is traditionally believed that crossing a Fold with a Straight can protect a pet from such problems, this is not the case.  Due to the shortened shape of the head, it can lead to brachycephalic syndrome - respiratory failure.  Also, there is a tendency to suppuration and inflammation in the eyes, due to their special shape.  Care One of the easiest breeds to keep is the Scottish Straight. Caring for them does not take much time, but, at times, requires vigilance due to possible problems with the eyes and breathing. If you experience difficulty in breathing or inflammation in the corners of the eyes, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.  Otherwise, the cat is unpretentious - once a week you need to trim the claws, clean the ears several times a week, teeth - better every day, like the eyes. Be sure to make sure that your pet has favorite toys so that he maintains a normal level of activity, does not pass on and eats quality food. Bathing - at least once a month.

Scottish Straight Cat (Scottish Straight)    Scottish Straight Cat Scottish straight cat, in fact, is a kind of Scottish fold, having all the character traits and external features. The only difference is the lack of folded ears.  Accordingly, speaking about the origin of the Scottish Straight, we can say that their pedigree comes from a white cat with floppy ears named Susie, who was born in Scotland, in 1961, near the town of Copra Angus. The farmer, who had such offspring on the farm, was extremely interested in folded ears.  Now everyone knows that such a structure of the ears comes from a genetic mutation, moreover, this mutation affects not only the ears, but can also affect other body systems. But in those distant years, research has not yet been carried out, and the cat very quickly gained popularity due to its extraordinary appearance.  However, even now, despite possible health complications, both the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight, which some Federations classify as one breed, are a huge success all over the world.  There is one feature - when crossing two lop-eared individuals, the probability of getting a cat with straight ears is extremely low, but the probability of mutations is higher. Conversely, if one of the parents has straight ears, the likelihood of mutations is almost eliminated, and the offspring will almost certainly also have straight ears.   Characteristics of the breed Adaptability                           10/10          Attachment to family            10/10  Game activity                         06/10  Intelligence                            07/10  General Health                       09/10  Hair loss                                  04/10  Child-friendly                         08/10  Dog friendly                           10/10  Love of meows                       02/10     Information about the breed Country of origin  Scotland  Lifespan  12-15 years old  Size  medium  Weight  Cats: 5-6 kg, Cats: 3-5 kg  wool type  shorthair  Color  any colors and coat patterns  Lifestyle  outdoor / indoor  Price  1000 - 1500 $     Description Scottish Straight - kind and loving cats, incredibly sweet and affectionate, have great charm and captivate literally everyone. Life expectancy is on average about 15 years.  The body and paws are short and strong, the head is shortened, and round and the neck is also short, as are the ears. On the muzzle, as if you can always see a smile. There are many possible colors, each with its own aesthetic. There are individuals with multi-colored eyes (orange and blue), although, traditionally, this breed has orange eyes.  By the way, Scottish Straight at a young age lends itself well to training (given that it is extremely difficult to train cats in general), and they are often trained to perform at exhibitions.  Personality The Scottish Straight cat has an incredible charm, and is able to conquer even those who, as usual, are rather indifferent to cats. These are very affectionate and kind animals that get along well in the family, and are able to bestow their love on each of its members. Scottish Straight have a pronounced intellect, are able to draw conclusions, observe what is happening around, sometimes from a secluded place. This is what happens when you have guests. However, in its circle, the cat more often chooses the knees of a loved one.  The Scottish Straight can be a great friend to children, although, like most cats, these pets do not like to be squeezed too much. Cats of this breed retain playfulness even in adulthood, and in general, mature for quite a long time. If you have other pets at home - it does not matter, the Scottish Straight gets along well with everyone. An exception can only be dogs that show aggression.  These cats are neat, do not spoil upholstered furniture and learn quickly. At the same time, they are quite active and inquisitive, they are interested in what is happening around them. They feel great in solitude, but they will not feel discomfort in the company. This applies to both kittens and adults.  Common diseases Cats in general do not tend to get sick, have good health, but are prone to “pedigreed” diseases.  The gene responsible for unusual ears also affects other parts of the skeleton. There is also a particular propensity for joint problems:  osteochondrodysplasia; chondrodystrophy; arthritis; arthrosis. Even though it is traditionally believed that crossing a Fold with a Straight can protect a pet from such problems, this is not the case.  Due to the shortened shape of the head, it can lead to brachycephalic syndrome - respiratory failure.  Also, there is a tendency to suppuration and inflammation in the eyes, due to their special shape.  Care One of the easiest breeds to keep is the Scottish Straight. Caring for them does not take much time, but, at times, requires vigilance due to possible problems with the eyes and breathing. If you experience difficulty in breathing or inflammation in the corners of the eyes, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.  Otherwise, the cat is unpretentious - once a week you need to trim the claws, clean the ears several times a week, teeth - better every day, like the eyes. Be sure to make sure that your pet has favorite toys so that he maintains a normal level of activity, does not pass on and eats quality food. Bathing - at least once a month.

Scottish Straight Cat (Scottish Straight)    Scottish Straight Cat Scottish straight cat, in fact, is a kind of Scottish fold, having all the character traits and external features. The only difference is the lack of folded ears.  Accordingly, speaking about the origin of the Scottish Straight, we can say that their pedigree comes from a white cat with floppy ears named Susie, who was born in Scotland, in 1961, near the town of Copra Angus. The farmer, who had such offspring on the farm, was extremely interested in folded ears.  Now everyone knows that such a structure of the ears comes from a genetic mutation, moreover, this mutation affects not only the ears, but can also affect other body systems. But in those distant years, research has not yet been carried out, and the cat very quickly gained popularity due to its extraordinary appearance.  However, even now, despite possible health complications, both the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight, which some Federations classify as one breed, are a huge success all over the world.  There is one feature - when crossing two lop-eared individuals, the probability of getting a cat with straight ears is extremely low, but the probability of mutations is higher. Conversely, if one of the parents has straight ears, the likelihood of mutations is almost eliminated, and the offspring will almost certainly also have straight ears.   Characteristics of the breed Adaptability                           10/10          Attachment to family            10/10  Game activity                         06/10  Intelligence                            07/10  General Health                       09/10  Hair loss                                  04/10  Child-friendly                         08/10  Dog friendly                           10/10  Love of meows                       02/10     Information about the breed Country of origin  Scotland  Lifespan  12-15 years old  Size  medium  Weight  Cats: 5-6 kg, Cats: 3-5 kg  wool type  shorthair  Color  any colors and coat patterns  Lifestyle  outdoor / indoor  Price  1000 - 1500 $     Description Scottish Straight - kind and loving cats, incredibly sweet and affectionate, have great charm and captivate literally everyone. Life expectancy is on average about 15 years.  The body and paws are short and strong, the head is shortened, and round and the neck is also short, as are the ears. On the muzzle, as if you can always see a smile. There are many possible colors, each with its own aesthetic. There are individuals with multi-colored eyes (orange and blue), although, traditionally, this breed has orange eyes.  By the way, Scottish Straight at a young age lends itself well to training (given that it is extremely difficult to train cats in general), and they are often trained to perform at exhibitions.  Personality The Scottish Straight cat has an incredible charm, and is able to conquer even those who, as usual, are rather indifferent to cats. These are very affectionate and kind animals that get along well in the family, and are able to bestow their love on each of its members. Scottish Straight have a pronounced intellect, are able to draw conclusions, observe what is happening around, sometimes from a secluded place. This is what happens when you have guests. However, in its circle, the cat more often chooses the knees of a loved one.  The Scottish Straight can be a great friend to children, although, like most cats, these pets do not like to be squeezed too much. Cats of this breed retain playfulness even in adulthood, and in general, mature for quite a long time. If you have other pets at home - it does not matter, the Scottish Straight gets along well with everyone. An exception can only be dogs that show aggression.  These cats are neat, do not spoil upholstered furniture and learn quickly. At the same time, they are quite active and inquisitive, they are interested in what is happening around them. They feel great in solitude, but they will not feel discomfort in the company. This applies to both kittens and adults.  Common diseases Cats in general do not tend to get sick, have good health, but are prone to “pedigreed” diseases.  The gene responsible for unusual ears also affects other parts of the skeleton. There is also a particular propensity for joint problems:  osteochondrodysplasia; chondrodystrophy; arthritis; arthrosis. Even though it is traditionally believed that crossing a Fold with a Straight can protect a pet from such problems, this is not the case.  Due to the shortened shape of the head, it can lead to brachycephalic syndrome - respiratory failure.  Also, there is a tendency to suppuration and inflammation in the eyes, due to their special shape.  Care One of the easiest breeds to keep is the Scottish Straight. Caring for them does not take much time, but, at times, requires vigilance due to possible problems with the eyes and breathing. If you experience difficulty in breathing or inflammation in the corners of the eyes, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.  Otherwise, the cat is unpretentious - once a week you need to trim the claws, clean the ears several times a week, teeth - better every day, like the eyes. Be sure to make sure that your pet has favorite toys so that he maintains a normal level of activity, does not pass on and eats quality food. Bathing - at least once a month.

Scottish Straight Cat (Scottish Straight)    Scottish Straight Cat Scottish straight cat, in fact, is a kind of Scottish fold, having all the character traits and external features. The only difference is the lack of folded ears.  Accordingly, speaking about the origin of the Scottish Straight, we can say that their pedigree comes from a white cat with floppy ears named Susie, who was born in Scotland, in 1961, near the town of Copra Angus. The farmer, who had such offspring on the farm, was extremely interested in folded ears.  Now everyone knows that such a structure of the ears comes from a genetic mutation, moreover, this mutation affects not only the ears, but can also affect other body systems. But in those distant years, research has not yet been carried out, and the cat very quickly gained popularity due to its extraordinary appearance.  However, even now, despite possible health complications, both the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight, which some Federations classify as one breed, are a huge success all over the world.  There is one feature - when crossing two lop-eared individuals, the probability of getting a cat with straight ears is extremely low, but the probability of mutations is higher. Conversely, if one of the parents has straight ears, the likelihood of mutations is almost eliminated, and the offspring will almost certainly also have straight ears.   Characteristics of the breed Adaptability                           10/10          Attachment to family            10/10  Game activity                         06/10  Intelligence                            07/10  General Health                       09/10  Hair loss                                  04/10  Child-friendly                         08/10  Dog friendly                           10/10  Love of meows                       02/10     Information about the breed Country of origin  Scotland  Lifespan  12-15 years old  Size  medium  Weight  Cats: 5-6 kg, Cats: 3-5 kg  wool type  shorthair  Color  any colors and coat patterns  Lifestyle  outdoor / indoor  Price  1000 - 1500 $     Description Scottish Straight - kind and loving cats, incredibly sweet and affectionate, have great charm and captivate literally everyone. Life expectancy is on average about 15 years.  The body and paws are short and strong, the head is shortened, and round and the neck is also short, as are the ears. On the muzzle, as if you can always see a smile. There are many possible colors, each with its own aesthetic. There are individuals with multi-colored eyes (orange and blue), although, traditionally, this breed has orange eyes.  By the way, Scottish Straight at a young age lends itself well to training (given that it is extremely difficult to train cats in general), and they are often trained to perform at exhibitions.  Personality The Scottish Straight cat has an incredible charm, and is able to conquer even those who, as usual, are rather indifferent to cats. These are very affectionate and kind animals that get along well in the family, and are able to bestow their love on each of its members. Scottish Straight have a pronounced intellect, are able to draw conclusions, observe what is happening around, sometimes from a secluded place. This is what happens when you have guests. However, in its circle, the cat more often chooses the knees of a loved one.  The Scottish Straight can be a great friend to children, although, like most cats, these pets do not like to be squeezed too much. Cats of this breed retain playfulness even in adulthood, and in general, mature for quite a long time. If you have other pets at home - it does not matter, the Scottish Straight gets along well with everyone. An exception can only be dogs that show aggression.  These cats are neat, do not spoil upholstered furniture and learn quickly. At the same time, they are quite active and inquisitive, they are interested in what is happening around them. They feel great in solitude, but they will not feel discomfort in the company. This applies to both kittens and adults.  Common diseases Cats in general do not tend to get sick, have good health, but are prone to “pedigreed” diseases.  The gene responsible for unusual ears also affects other parts of the skeleton. There is also a particular propensity for joint problems:  osteochondrodysplasia; chondrodystrophy; arthritis; arthrosis. Even though it is traditionally believed that crossing a Fold with a Straight can protect a pet from such problems, this is not the case.  Due to the shortened shape of the head, it can lead to brachycephalic syndrome - respiratory failure.  Also, there is a tendency to suppuration and inflammation in the eyes, due to their special shape.  Care One of the easiest breeds to keep is the Scottish Straight. Caring for them does not take much time, but, at times, requires vigilance due to possible problems with the eyes and breathing. If you experience difficulty in breathing or inflammation in the corners of the eyes, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.  Otherwise, the cat is unpretentious - once a week you need to trim the claws, clean the ears several times a week, teeth - better every day, like the eyes. Be sure to make sure that your pet has favorite toys so that he maintains a normal level of activity, does not pass on and eats quality food. Bathing - at least once a month.

Scottish Straight Cat (Scottish Straight)    Scottish Straight Cat Scottish straight cat, in fact, is a kind of Scottish fold, having all the character traits and external features. The only difference is the lack of folded ears.  Accordingly, speaking about the origin of the Scottish Straight, we can say that their pedigree comes from a white cat with floppy ears named Susie, who was born in Scotland, in 1961, near the town of Copra Angus. The farmer, who had such offspring on the farm, was extremely interested in folded ears.  Now everyone knows that such a structure of the ears comes from a genetic mutation, moreover, this mutation affects not only the ears, but can also affect other body systems. But in those distant years, research has not yet been carried out, and the cat very quickly gained popularity due to its extraordinary appearance.  However, even now, despite possible health complications, both the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight, which some Federations classify as one breed, are a huge success all over the world.  There is one feature - when crossing two lop-eared individuals, the probability of getting a cat with straight ears is extremely low, but the probability of mutations is higher. Conversely, if one of the parents has straight ears, the likelihood of mutations is almost eliminated, and the offspring will almost certainly also have straight ears.   Characteristics of the breed Adaptability                           10/10          Attachment to family            10/10  Game activity                         06/10  Intelligence                            07/10  General Health                       09/10  Hair loss                                  04/10  Child-friendly                         08/10  Dog friendly                           10/10  Love of meows                       02/10     Information about the breed Country of origin  Scotland  Lifespan  12-15 years old  Size  medium  Weight  Cats: 5-6 kg, Cats: 3-5 kg  wool type  shorthair  Color  any colors and coat patterns  Lifestyle  outdoor / indoor  Price  1000 - 1500 $     Description Scottish Straight - kind and loving cats, incredibly sweet and affectionate, have great charm and captivate literally everyone. Life expectancy is on average about 15 years.  The body and paws are short and strong, the head is shortened, and round and the neck is also short, as are the ears. On the muzzle, as if you can always see a smile. There are many possible colors, each with its own aesthetic. There are individuals with multi-colored eyes (orange and blue), although, traditionally, this breed has orange eyes.  By the way, Scottish Straight at a young age lends itself well to training (given that it is extremely difficult to train cats in general), and they are often trained to perform at exhibitions.  Personality The Scottish Straight cat has an incredible charm, and is able to conquer even those who, as usual, are rather indifferent to cats. These are very affectionate and kind animals that get along well in the family, and are able to bestow their love on each of its members. Scottish Straight have a pronounced intellect, are able to draw conclusions, observe what is happening around, sometimes from a secluded place. This is what happens when you have guests. However, in its circle, the cat more often chooses the knees of a loved one.  The Scottish Straight can be a great friend to children, although, like most cats, these pets do not like to be squeezed too much. Cats of this breed retain playfulness even in adulthood, and in general, mature for quite a long time. If you have other pets at home - it does not matter, the Scottish Straight gets along well with everyone. An exception can only be dogs that show aggression.  These cats are neat, do not spoil upholstered furniture and learn quickly. At the same time, they are quite active and inquisitive, they are interested in what is happening around them. They feel great in solitude, but they will not feel discomfort in the company. This applies to both kittens and adults.  Common diseases Cats in general do not tend to get sick, have good health, but are prone to “pedigreed” diseases.  The gene responsible for unusual ears also affects other parts of the skeleton. There is also a particular propensity for joint problems:  osteochondrodysplasia; chondrodystrophy; arthritis; arthrosis. Even though it is traditionally believed that crossing a Fold with a Straight can protect a pet from such problems, this is not the case.  Due to the shortened shape of the head, it can lead to brachycephalic syndrome - respiratory failure.  Also, there is a tendency to suppuration and inflammation in the eyes, due to their special shape.  Care One of the easiest breeds to keep is the Scottish Straight. Caring for them does not take much time, but, at times, requires vigilance due to possible problems with the eyes and breathing. If you experience difficulty in breathing or inflammation in the corners of the eyes, it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately.  Otherwise, the cat is unpretentious - once a week you need to trim the claws, clean the ears several times a week, teeth - better every day, like the eyes. Be sure to make sure that your pet has favorite toys so that he maintains a normal level of activity, does not pass on and eats quality food. Bathing - at least once a month.

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